My son started taking Tae Kwon Do from an amazing couple who are operating a Tiger Rock program in Olathe, KS. Mr. Leopard (pictured) is a wonderfully positive instructor. The first thing I loved about their facility is that you hear K-Love playing in the lobby!
During one practice I heard the kids repeating a philosophy about Humility. My son told me later that, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Wow. I had to hear that a few times to get it!
As church musicians, this is imperitive. I spent my first few years as a praise band leader comparing myself to other people. My inner thoughts tore me down by saying things like, “you’re not as good as that guy”. “You’ll never write anything that anybody wants to hear.” “You’re no good at the guitar.” “Who really cares about a church band anyway?”
It’s pure evil. It’s very important to think highly of what you are doing and to have confidence in your abilities. That being said, YOU’RE NOT A ROCKSTAR! This isn’t about you. You’re not putting on a show.
Don’t get me wrong, some people do put on shows. I went to a David Crowder Band concert that was outstanding. It was a show, but leading worship in front of a congregation isn’t about you. It’s about God and it’s our job to enhance prayer, not distract from it. I’ve been fortunate to play in a group at Holy Trinity with one of the most humble worship leaders I’ve ever met. Good leaders do just that. They lead, they use the talent in their group to collectively pray. Everybody in the band doesn’t always play on every song or all be in at the same time. Sometimes we just have to get out of the way.
If you’re not feeling all that confident in your skill…practice. God will fill in the rest.
As a music minister I can’t think of a better lesson than what my son said to me about humility…it’s not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. Isn’t that how Jesus lived? I mean, he was God after all, but rather than thinking about himself and what he as a man wanted, he did what his father asked of him and paid the ultimate sacrifice, not for himself, but for us. He didn’t think less of himself, but He thought of himself less.