The Lord’s Prayer – New Music

Music Ministry, Original Music
Been awhile since I've posted, but I have a ton to share with you all! First off, I accepted a position as the new worship leader & praise band director at Valley View United Methodist Church in Overland Park, KS. We just launched a new praise & worship service at 10:30a Sunday mornings. Needless to say, I have a ton of experiences, music, and reviews about gear to write. [yendifplayer audio=3] Download Lead Sheet Today, I wanted to share an arrangement of The Lord's Prayer that I came up with earlier this week. We're going to try it out this Sunday. Our pastor asked my thoughts about singing the prayer and sent me a few links of versions that he liked found on YouTube. We both really liked, Matt Maher's,…
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Music Liturgy Changes During Lent

Music Ministry, Original Music I had a question on my review of Matt Maher's Mass of Communion for a Lenten version of his Alleuluia.  In the video I offer a suggestion substituting "Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory."  If you're using this particular mass setting, it's okay if you'd like to mix in another gospel acclamation.  Ed Bolduc's Mass of St. Ann has a Lenten Gospel Acclamation available. In my Mass of Praise, I arranged a Kyrie as well as a Lenten Gospel Acclamation.  It's common during this season to sing the Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy) in place of a Glory.  We refrain from singing "alleluia" until Easter.  It's a great idea to change the instrumentation of your group during Lent.  Try more of an acoustic set up with…
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New Song – Breathe Life Into Me by Ray Martin

Music Ministry, Original Music
Ever wonder what must have been going through the mind of the prodigal son when he set off with his dad's inheritance? Luke 15:12 "'Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.'" All we really know in this parable is that he "set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation." I doubt he initially thought, "hey I want to go party it up in another country for awhile." Maybe he did, but I'm willing to believe that he had some grand idea. Perhaps he was going to invest in his own business or buy some land that he thought was a good deal and if only he had that money from his dad, he could go and…
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New Translation – Mass of Praise by Ray Martin

Music Ministry, Music Reviews, Original Music
Download Audio and Sheet Music                       Download Sheet Music Only [mp3-jplayer list="n" tracks="Glory to God@01-Glory-to-God.mp3, Alleluia@02-Alleluia.mp3, Holy Holy Holy@03-Holy-Holy-Holy.mp3, Memorial Acclamaition@Memorial-Acclamation-Rev.mp3, Amen@05-Amen.mp3, Lamb of God@06-Lamb-of-God.mp3, Kyrie Eleison@Kyrie-Eleison-Mixdown.mp3, Lenten Gospel Acclamation@Lenten-Gospel-Acclamation-Mixdown.mp3"] I talked about the new English translation of the Catholic prayers and mass music in my review of Matt Maher's Mass of Communion.  This is my setting of the new mass parts with the revised text for a Praise and Worship band.  I'll run through a few brief notes about the different movements.  Overall, I tried to avoid getting above a D in the treble clef because that gets pretty high for the congregation.  I wanted there to be a lot of continuity between the different parts and so you'll see and…
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We Remember

Original Music
[yendifplayer audio=6] Lead Sheet Link During the fall of 2002 there were a lot of remembrance themed events for the first anniversary of 9/11. I wrote this for our praise band to play the weekend of that anniversary. A few years later a friend asked if I'd record it for him. So I went to the basement and played around with some different tracks. Feel free to download a copy of the lead sheet and offer any feedback. I'm always open to suggestions! It's a pretty simple tune and a fairly easy chord progression. We Remember - Ray Martin ©2002 We remember how you lived We remember how they pierced your side We remember how you freed us We remember how you died And we remember all the love that…
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Communion Song- This Bread Is Jesus

Original Music
[yendifplayer audio=5] Lead Sheet Link This is a song I wrote in 2003 and we used it a lot during communion.  The recording is live from a mass at Holy Trinity around that time.  It's based on the Gospel of John chapter 6 where Jesus says, "I Am the Bread of life."  He continues that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.  Verse 54 says, "whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood shall have eternal life." When I was meditating on this chapter I really related to verse 60 where the disciples start going, Whah?!?  "This saying is hard, who can accept it?"  Jesus soon replies, "Does this shock you?...It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken…
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New Music- We Are Light

Original Music
Lead Sheet Link I wanted to get a quick video up so that I could share this new song.  When I get around to making a nicer recording I'll post it here as well.  Forgive the video quality this was just an experiment with a web cam. Background on this song: We had a youth event at our church we call "XLT" that happens about once a month.  The flow is usually music, then a talk by a guest speaker, followed by adoration with more music throughout.  Recently a youth minister, preached about Light.  He quoted several scripture verses and had candles lit around the room.  Then candles began to be blown out until the room was entirely dark.  He lit one candle and explained that "we are light".  He…
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